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Vision Insurance

(Click logo for direct link)

Vision insurance is sometimes included within your medical insurance. It can cover​ the professional routine exam visit in most cases. Rarely, a refraction or contact lens evaluation may not be covered. In this event, your balance will be reduced by partial coverage. We will be glad to verify you benefits to maximize your savings. 

Medical Insurance

(Click logo for direct link)

Medical insurance will cover a medical eye exam if there are no routine vision benefits. A medical diagnosis must be present. The refraction (Spectacle Rx) is considered routine and is out of pocket in addition to any specialist copay or coinsurance. We will be glad to verify your benefits to maximize your savings. 

FirstCare Star Medicaid routine vision plans







Vision Plans 

(Click logo for direct link)

Vision plans only cover routine (non-medical) findings and a refraction. Vision plans do not cover medical decision making. Medical diagnosis and consultation will be covered under your in-network MEDICAL INSURANCE as an office visit. 

EyeMed in-network plans are limited to three plans

(Employees of American Airlines and American Eagle

(Employees of Abilene and Albany ISD)


(Click logo for direct link to Out-of-Network Benefits Information)

Use your 2024 benefits today.

Is it time for this year's annual eye exam? 

FirstCare Medicare and commercial plans



Please note: Medical plans may require an appointment in order to verify coverage and benefits before the visit. Appointments are preferred and recommended, as this will reduce your wait time. We verify MEDICAL CARD COVERAGE with attached ROUTINE VISION, Tuesday through Friday. We are not able to verify medical card coverage on the weekend.

Flexible Spending Account        FSA

or Health Savings Account        HSA

Do you participate in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or a Health Savings Account (HSA) through your employer?

Your FSA or HSA dollars can be used for your eye examination.  


We accept most other vision plans out-of-network. Verify your out-of-network coverage and benefits online or over the phone with your insurance carrier. You will need to print and fill out an out-of-network claim form as well.

Ask for an itemized receipt during your visit with us. Submit it and the claim form to the claims department via fax or mail. Receive a check in the mail for the covered amount. Most out-of-network vision plans will reimburse up to $45.

EyeMed is out-of-network at our location. EyeMed members are directed to specific locations. Locations that accept EyeMed in-network, typically have much higher contact lens evaluation fees. These fees can be passed on to the patient in full or when the specialty evaluation charges are above the contact lens allowance.

Need a contact lens exam? Our contact lens evaluation fees are far less than what you are used to paying in addition to your in-network EyeMed copays. Shop the competition and see for yourself. Save with us.

Out-of-Network Claim Forms

(Click logo for direct link)


Member Services: 866.939.3633

Mail itemized receipt and claim form to the following:

EyeMed Vision Care

Attn: OON Claims

P.O. Box 8504

Mason, OH 45040-7111



Feel Sharp.

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